What We Do
My Signature Scent helps you find your signature scent! We do this by assisting you with creating your signature scent in our studio, attending pop-up shops with the mobile perfume bar, creating your custom wedding perfume, creating our own collection of unique fragrances for you, and matching you with scents based on your fragrance type.
Create your Signature Scent!
Visit our Atlanta perfume-making studio to create your own custom fragrance! Creating your own perfume has never been so fun and easy. We offer in-studio private sessions where you can create your fragrance by yourself, with a friend, or with a significant other.
Let us create your custom wedding fragrance!
If you can't come into the studio to create your own fragrance, we can do it for you. We ensure you work closely with us during development so you end up with a fragrance you love. The process is fun and immersive! We can even create scented wedding favors, and gifts for the wedding party.
Incorporate Perfume into your Event!
Are you having a corporate event or celebrating a life event? Our services are the perfect addition! Our Perfume Bar allows your guests to quickly create a custom perfume. Customized perfume can also be created for you to use for giveaways/gifting suites/favors.
Shop our Collection!
We've created some really unique fragrances! Take a look and see if you can find your next signature scent.
Find your Signature Scent!
Take the Scent Matchmaker Quiz to be paired with personalized scent suggestions based on your fragrance-family type.